
Event Recaps

Jan 25th Orlando, FL Spanish Pastor’s Luncheon

On Friday, January 25th, our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator Rev. Peter De Jesus conducted a historic Spanish Pastors Meeting Luncheon in Orlando, Florida at Majestic Life Ministries. What made this such an epic event was the fact that it was the first time the Brazilian Assemblies of God in the U.S., known as CONAMAD-USA, hosted a Spanish CUFI event at their annual ministers’ convention, where over 80 Pastors were in attendance. The host for this event was Pastor Welington Jacinto Da Silva, who serves as the President of CONAMAD-USA. The reason he desired to host this event was due to him having hosted a prior CUFI Spanish event last year in his local church in Silver Spring, Maryland, which he and his congregation thoroughly enjoyed. As a result, he invited us to share at this year’s convention in order to introduce CUFI to all of their Brazilian Assemblies of God Pastors and Churches that are located throughout the nation. It was a special treat to also have at this event some of the CONAMAD Pastors from the nation of Brazil. We believe this first-fruit event will result in even greater fruit in favor of Israel with this church fellowship in the U.S. and beyond.